Wartime Sexual Violence / Round Table Focused on the Ukrainian Experience

Pátek 9. září 2022, 9:56 – Text: doc. Dominik Opatrný a Lenka Peřinová
  • What are the rules for treating prisoners of war and civilians in war conflicts?
  • What physical, psychological and social effects do the victims of wartime sexual violence carry away with them?
  • Is this violence preventable, what are its causes and how is this topic handled by journalists?

Although everybody knows about this, however, it is difficult to talk about it.  Even the 21st century war conflicts are accompanied with sexual violence, and the war in Ukraine is not an exception. Therefore, Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology at Palacky University Olomouc together with Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv are organizing a round table discussion on the topic of Wartime Sexual Violence.


This event, with an international overlap, takes place on 12th September 2022 in the CMTF UP building in Univerzitní Street, but also online on ZOOM or Facebook. The debate will be moderated by doc. Dominik Opatrný, Vice Dean for Foreign Relations.

Participants in the discussion:

Tomáš Holub

  • bishop of The Roman Catholic Diocese of Pilsen  
  • first military chaplain, later main chaplain of the Czech Armed Forces
  • participant in the Czech military mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • author of Fight Against Terrorism in the Light of the so-called Just War: Criteriology Proposal

Jaromír Marek 

  • editor of news program in Czech Radio
  • author of news reports from a number of countries afflicted by war

Yuriy Martynyuk

  • lecturer of bioethics at Ukrainian Catholic University

Oleksandra Nizdran

  • lecturer of clinical psychology at Ukrainian Catholic University
  • psychotherapist

Martina Vintrová

  • judge at the Diocesan Church Court, Pilsen
  • church lawyer specializing in matrimonial law and sexual offences within Church

Mariya Yarema 

  • lecturer of bioethics at Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv

FB link: https://fb.me/e/3pq7LwWzd

Contact person: doc. Dominik Opatrný, dominik.opatrny@upol.cz

This event is supported by Erasmus+ Programme KA107.


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