International Teaching Week nabízí studentům i široké veřejnosti možnost setkat se s odborníky ze zahraničí a poznat, jak se vyučuje na zahraničních univerzitách. Akce je také skvělou příležitostí k seznámení českých a zahraničních studentů. International Teaching Week připravuje Zahraniční oddělení CMTF UP.
4. ročník ITW
Tuesday 5.11.
Anthony Ssembatya-Kimbowa: The Theology of the Child and Better Understanding Child Protection in the Context of the Catholic Church (U11)
Anne Rochelle:The Impact of Welfare Reform on Homeless Women and Children in the United States: Sanctions, Social Workers, and the Unraveling Social Safety Net (U8, online)
Michael Kimotho: Impacts of the Climate Change on Local Communities in Kenya and Church's response (U3)
Juraj Fenik: Ježišove znamenia v Jánovom evanjeliu (U9)
Jaroslav Franc, Renáta Sedláková, Damian Guzek: Debate on Current Media Topics (UN/AUL)
Marek Jodkowski: Women in Church and Society: Insights from Christian Iconography (U3)
Renata Emilsson Peskova:Pluringual Approaches in Second Languages. Utilizing Students’ and Teacher’s Linguistic Repertoires (U8, workshop)
Thursday 7.11.
Stephan Lund: Vicarious Trauma, Burnout and Compassion Fatigue – How Can Social Workers Care for Themselves? (U11)
Yuriy Shchurko: The Psalms: A Sacred Dialogue of the Heart – Embracing the Fullness of Human Experience in Communion with God (U3)
Renata Emilsson Peskova:Pluringual Youth’s Negotiations of Linguistic Identity: a Multiple-Case Study from Iceland (U8, online)
Róbert Lapko: Kniha Tobiáš: Impulzy pre dnešok (U9)
Stephan Lund: Cultural Diversity and Awareness- an Exploration for Social Workers (U11)
Juraj Fenik: Ježišove znamenia v Jánovom evanjeliu (U9)
Anna Linka:Migration and multiculturality (U11)
God, Family, Fatherland: War Changing Politics, Society and Churches in Europe (U3, panel discussion)
Renata Emilsson Peskova: Pluringual Identities and Identity texts: Methodological and Didactical Considerations (U8, workshop)
Kat Raynor: Social Pedagogy and the U.S. (U8, online)
Friday 8.11.
Slozanska Hanna: Social Work in the Community in Ukraine: How it is Developing and What are the Successes Despite the War (U11)
Aleksandra Brzemia Bonarek: Lay People in the Church: Insights from the Dicastery for Laity’s Web Presentation (U3)
Róbert Lapko: Kniha Tobiáš: Impulzy pre dnešok (U9)
Damian Guzek: Brand Archetypes in Digital Sphere 2 (UN/AUL)
Krynytska Iryna:Developing the Capacity of the Community Population to Overcome the Challenges of War in Resilience Centres (U11)
Konrad Glombik: The Challenge of Establishing Principles in Contemporary Sexual Ethics: Can the Bible Serve as a Basis? (U3)
Gabriel Eichsteller:The Relational Universe – a Framework for Supporting People’s Interdependence in Social Pedagogical Practice (U8, online)
Juraj Fenik: Ježišove znamenia v Jánovom evanjeliu (U9)
Agnieszka Grzesiok-Horosz: The Right of Personal Portrayal – Practice (UN/AUL)
Yuriy Shchurko, Róbert Horka: Seminar for Ph.D. students (U3)
Kat Raynor: Social Pedagogy and the U.S. (U8, online)
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