Španělský expert Dr. Rainer Gehrig na Katedře křesťanské sociální práce CMTF UP 9. a 10. dubna, vždy ve 14-15:30 v učebně H3

Pátek 8. březen 2019, 15:37

V rámci pedagogických mobility projektu Erasmus+ bude na CMTF UP hostovat Dr. Rainer Gehrig, ředitel magisterského studia Sociální rozvoj a akademický koordinátor Mezinárodního institutu Jana Pavla II. pro Charitu a dobrovolnictví na Katolické univerzitě sv. Antonína v Murcii.

Svou výuku zaměří na témata (1) výzkumu organizační identity španělských Charit a (2) spirituálních kompetencí sociálních pracovníků.

Výuka vedená v anglickém jazyku proběhne 9. 4. a 10. 4., vždy ve 14-15:30 v učebně H3, v budově Na hradě 5.

Lectures annotations

Organizational Identity of Spanish Caritas Organizations (9. 4.)

Social Workers realize their professional practice in the framework of social policies and organizations. The so called Third-Sector Organizations occupy a broad field of services in cooperation with the public administration. It makes an additional difference when we talk about faith-based organizations like Caritas. The lecture presents results from qualitative anthropological research about Caritas in Spain, which shares with the Czech Caritas Organizations the Catholic Faith Frame. Elements presented are:

  • How to do organizational research with the focus on Organizational identity (OI)
  • How Volunteers, Professionals and Directive Boards express key elements of the Caritas OI
  • Elements that motivates the staff to belong or to abandon a Caritas Organization

My spirituality and the spirituality of the Other: Client oriented spiritual assessment as a competence for Social Workers (10. 4.)

The goal of the interventions and practices of social work is to improve the well-being of the clients and the living conditions by the help of communicative, educational, material and psychological resources. To address the needs of the clients, different competences of the social worker are necessary. The integral vision of the person established by the professional ethical frames includes the attention to the spiritual needs of the clients. What are the competences of the social worker needed in this dimension? The lecture opens a space for dialogue on the understanding of the concept of spirituality, asks for the necessary conditions and processes for a successful assessment in this filed and invites the students to elaborate competences for the practice.


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