Olomouc University Social Health Institute (OUSHI) and Models of Child Health Appraised

Pátek 31. březen 2017, 12:47

Dr. Lucie Kluzova Kracmarova attended a meeting of the MOCHA project (Horizont 2020) in London last week. Researchers from the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Italy, Great Britain and the Czech Republic worked together on the topic of child primary care in European countries.

Aim of the MOCHA project (Models of Child Health Appraised) is to compare and appraise current models of child primary care in European countries and to contribute to a development of new models or improving the existing ones. Primary care differs in European countries. In some it is based on two alternatives – pediatricians of primary care or family general practicioners. Models of school health and adolescents direct access services differ to. It is not known, which of the existing models are the best and which are ineffective in comparison with others. Thanks to MOCHA project, we will be able to to explore and evaluate them. It is the first complete analysis of various models of primary child healthcare in Europe.

In Olomouc University Social Health Institute, we are conducting a qualitative substudy of this project. Our task is to map experiences that patients and their parents have with child primary health care. A Qualitative research is using the DIPEx methodology, which was developed at Oxford University and which we are using in several researches at our institute. In the Czech Republic, individual interviews and focus groups are conducting these months.



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