Reshaping ecumenism in time of transformation

Neděle 13. říjen 2019, 21:40

International workshop at the occasion of 30 years of freedom in the Central and Eastern Europe

Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology, Palacky University Olomouc, Institute for Intercultural, Interreligious and Ecumenical Research and Dialogue (IIMEVD).
Date and place: 24th — 25th of October 2019, Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology, Univerzitní 22, Olomouc.

The solidarity and cooperation of Christian churches in post-communist countries; the life of churches between East and West; the continuity of ecumenical relations and new challenges for Christians in times of social transformation; incentives for the hermeneutics of ecumenical dialogue.

These are topics to be discussed at the international seminar by theologians of various Christian confessions from Germany, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine and the Czech Republic, i.e. countries where communist totalitarianism fell 30 years ago. The aim of the meeting is to share experiences in the field of ecumenical coexistence leading not only to mutual enrichment, but also to the application of new approaches in theological reflection of ecumenical dialogue.



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