doc. Mgr. Dominik Opatrný, Th.D.

Employee photo

+420734695790, +420585637126

Katedra systematické teologie

CM teologická fakulta

Univerzitní 22


docent - proděkan

Office Hours:
Irregular Room number: Comment:
15.01.2025 10:30–12:00 3.07
Office Hours:
Irregular Room number: Comment:
15.01.2025 13:00–14:30 3.07
Opatrný D. John Cuthbert Hedley, biskup otevřený evoluci. Studia Theologica. 2017.
Czudek J., Filo V., Franc J., Krumpolc E., Opatrný D., Pospíšil CV., Urban F. Systematicko-teologické přístupy k encyklice Laudato si´. Studia Theologica. 2016.
Opatrný D. Dobro manželů v kontextu biblické etiky. Revue církevního práva. 2014.
Opatrný D. God’s Glory at Trial: A Juridical Precedent in Acts 5 and John 9. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Theologica, Theologica. 2013.
Opatrný D. Církevní právo v časopisu Studia theologica. Revue církevního práva. 2012.
Opatrný D. The Christological Use of Metaphors for the Law in John’s Gospel. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis, Facultas Theologica, Theologica. 2011.
Opatrný D. Cesty Siónu. Teologické texty. 2010.
Opatrný D. The Hospital Chaplain – A Messenger of Hope? Hope: Where does our Hope lie? 2020.
Opatrný D. Teologické ctnosti v díle mistra Jana Husa: Malé nahlédnutí do aretologie pozdní scholastiky. In Lichner M. (Eds.) Teologálne čnosti z interdisciplinárneho pohľadu. 2018.
Opatrný D. Pastoral Forgery? How Biblical Scholars and Moral Theologians Speak About Lying. In Lintner MM. (Eds.) God in Question: Religious Language and Secular Languages. 2014.
Opatrný D. Apoštol Pavel a problematika šíření křesťanství v Malé Asii. In Tichý L., Opatrný D. (Eds.) Apoštol Pavel a Písmo. 2009.
Opatrný D. Steward, Gardener, or Shepherd? Metaphors describing the human-nature relationship. Interdisziplinäre Nachhaltigkeit / Interdisciplinary Sustainability Anregungen zum Weiterdenken / Stimuli for Further Reflection. 2023.
Opatrný D., Opatrný M. Amoris laetitia jako odpověď na znamení času. Amoris laetitia: Zlom nebo kontinuita. 2019.
Opatrný D. Fraternal Correction in the Theology of John Hus. In Thiel M., Feix M. (Eds.) Marie-Jo Thiel, Marc Feix (eds.) Le défi de la fraternité. 2018.
Opatrný D., Opatrná M. Etika ctností v péči o onkologicky nemocné. Etické problémy v onkologii. 2017.
Opatrný D. Theologically Significant Textual Variants in the Text of the Pastoral Epistles. The Process of Authority: The Dynamics in Transmission and Reception of Canonical Texts. 2016.
Opatrný D., Martynyuk Y. Wartime sexual violence. 2022.
Polák J., Opatrný D. Bioetika v charitativní práci. 2019.
Opatrný D., Svatoň R., Franc J. Bioethics as a Chance for Ecumenical Cooperation. 2017.
Polgar N., Morciniec P., Ragadics T., Kovács G. Bioetika v charitativní práci. In Opatrný D., Polák J. (Eds.) 2019.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
International Teaching Week I CMF/DXTW1 ZS Se 0
Participation in Academic Activities CMF/VTAKP ZS Cv 0
Participation in Academic Activities CMF/VTAKP LS Cv 0
Prediscussion of a PhD Thesis CMF/VTPDS ZS Cv 0
Prediscussion of a PhD Thesis CMF/VTPDS LS Cv 0
Final State Ph.D. Examination CMF/VTSDZ ZS 0
Final State Ph.D. Examination CMF/VTSDZ LS 0
Final State Ph.D. Examination CMF/VTSPE LS 0
International teaching week I CMF/VXTW1 ZS Se 20
Applied Christian Ethics KST/DTAKE LS Se 0
Summer School of Theology KST/DTSST LS Se 0
Biblical Anthropology and a Holistic View of Man DSPC/BAHP LS Se 0
Seminar in Biblical Theology 1 KBV/VTBS1 ZS Se 0
Seminar in Biblical Theology 1 KBV/VTBS1 LS Se 0
Seminar in Biblical Theology 1 KBV/VTBS2 ZS Se 0
Seminar in Biblical Theology 1 KBV/VTBS2 LS Se 0
Seminar in Biblical Theology 3 KBV/VTBS3 ZS Se 0
Seminar in Biblical Theology 3 KBV/VTBS3 LS Se 0
Principles of Christian Ethics KST/DTPKE ZS Se 0
Systematic Theology KST/DTSZS LS 0
Christian Etics KST/KEKET ZS 5
Christian Etics KST/KEKET ZS Se 5
Moral Dilemmas of a Social Worker KST/KSMDI ZS Se 5
Moral Dilemmas of a Social Worker KST/KSMDI ZS 5
General Moral Theology KST/KTMTO LS 10
Seminar on Moral Theology KST/KTSMT ZS Se 7
Moral Theology General KST/KVMTO LS 10
Christian Ethics KST/PEKET ZS Se 1
Christian Ethics KST/PEKET ZS 1
Moral Dilemmas of a Social Worker KST/PSMDI ZS Se 5
Moral Dilemmas of a Social Worker KST/PSMDI ZS 5
Academic Writing KFK/VTMVP ZS Se 0
Academic Writing KFK/VTMVP LS Se 0
Seminar in Systematic Theology 1 KFK/VTSS1 ZS Se 0
Seminar in Systematic Theology 1 KFK/VTSS1 LS Se 0
Seminar in Systematic Theology 2 KFK/VTSS2 ZS Se 0
Seminar in Systematic Theology 2 KFK/VTSS2 LS Se 0
Specialization in Systematic Theology 1 KFK/VTST1 ZS 0
Specialization in Systematic Theology 1 KFK/VTST1 LS 0
Moral Theology KST/PTMOT LS 0
Principles of Christian Ethics KST/PTPKE ZS 2
Principles of Christian Ethics KST/PTPKE ZS Se 2
Specialization in Systematic Theology 2 KFK/VTST2 ZS 0
Specialization in Systematic Theology 2 KFK/VTST2 LS 0
Specialization in Systematic Theology 3 KFK/VTST3 ZS 0
Specialization in Systematic Theology 3 KFK/VTST3 LS 0
Biblical Workshop KBV/DTBIS LS Se 0
Doctoral Seminar 1 KST/VTDS1 ZS Se 0
Doctoral Seminar 2 KST/VTDS2 LS Se 0
Doctoral Seminar 3 KST/VTDS3 LS Se 0
Doctoral Seminar 4 KST/VTDS4 LS Se 0
Optional course from foreign university 1 KST/VTKZ1 LS Se 0
Optional course from foreign university 2 KST/VTKZ2 LS Se 0
Seminar in Practical Theology 1 KCP/VTPS1 ZS Se 0
Seminar in Practical Theology 1 KCP/VTPS1 LS Se 0
Seminar in Practical Theology 2 KCP/VTPS2 ZS Se 0
Seminar in Practical Theology 2 KCP/VTPS2 LS Se 0
Seminar in Practical Theology 3 KCP/VTPS3 ZS Se 0
Seminar in Practical Theology 3 KCP/VTPS3 LS Se 0
Licenciate thesis KST/VTLIC LS Se 0
Study Stay Abroad KST/VTZSP ZS Se 0
Study Stay Abroad KST/VTZSP LS Se 0

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